All posts by Dan Jackson

Word Bearers Sorcerer

I have had this model built and undercoated ready to be painted since he came out. And I have finally got round to popping a quick lick of paint on him!

I love the model, but I am not sure he has a place in my 9th edition Word Bearers army, so I haven’t spent too much time on him.

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Indomitus Captain

This is the  captain I painted from the Indomitus set. I still need to fix the energy effects on the sword and shield. but pretty happy with him.
Amazing model!
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The Dark Imperium Challenge!

Since the Indomitus box set was announced, I decided I wanted to try and get the Dark Imperium set painted before the new box, and new edition, was released.

I’d already painted some of the box, in the shape of an Intercessor squad and, I had replaced the two lieutenants with models I preferred (one of them was the official Ultramarines model, soooooo….).

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Over the last few weeks and months, I managed to paint the whole box set (well, the marines at any rate). Finishing the last model today, the Ancient!

Below are the images of all the different squads and characters!

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Dark Imperium Challenge- Ancient

Well, this is the last model of the Dark Imperium challenge. The Ancient!


Some of the paint job here is a little ropey in places, but I am just about ready to paint something other than my Ultramarines for a while!

I have also kind of cheated, I replaced the two lieutenants with two models I preferred. But I think that’s fair enough! This was a cracking set of miniatures. Looking forward to Indomitus now!

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Dark Imperium Challenge- Inceptors

Well, I just have the Ancient to paint, then I have managed to paint up the Dark Imperium set (the space marine side that is).

Click for larger image.

I have one week to go until the new edition of the game is launched! Can I do it? Lets find out! 😀

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Dark Imperium Challenge – Gravis Armoured Captain

Time is ticking on, but this is the Gravis armoured captain from Dark Imperium. Loved this model since the day it came out, so I may return to it to add some  more details at some point in the future.


Well, I have less than two weeks to get three inceptors painted, and the ancient. I replaced the lieutenants in the box with two limited edition ones.  So close!

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Dark Imperium Challenge – Hellblasters

Next up on the Dark Imperium challenge. The Hellblasters. I managed to work on these, and the Intercessors at the same time. Cutting a few corners. but able to keep the standard as high as I would like.

Click for larger image.

Next up, Inceptors!

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Dark Imperium Challenge!

I have set myself the challenge of finishing off the Dark Imperium set before the new Indomitus box set comes out. This is the second squad of Intercessors, the squad of Hellblasters will be very soon after these!

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Space Marine Heroes – Ultramarine Terminator

Some time ago a good friend of mine gave me a few of the awesome Terminator sculpts from the Space Marine Heroes range. Decided to paint one up!

Love these models, the detail is really really high.

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Ghulgoch the Butcher – Blightking of the Wurmspat

I have finished Ghulgoch the Butcher. I just have Fecula to paint up, then my new Warhammer Underworlds warband is ready to go!

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