Recently finished Valerian as a nice quick break from painting Nurgley things! Probably going to do Aleya next! Love these models, and the characters are very cool in the novels!
All posts by Dan Jackson
Lord of Afflictions
I have finished yet another miniature for my Maggotkin, this is a Lord of Afflictions. I am very close to having my base 2000 points completed. Just four Pusgoyle Blightlords to paint up then it’s done. Will need to paint up some daemons to summon though!
Sepsimus – Blight King of the Wurmspat
Pretty much finished the first Blightking bodyguard model from the Wurmspat. I need to add some tufts to the base and some goo on his… err… tail? But he is done.
Wurmspat – Sepsimus – WIP
With the Glottkin finished up, I have moved onto a slightly smaller, yet no less Nurgly project. The Wurmspat Beastgrave warband.
I have decided to start with Sepsimus.
The Glottkin
The Glottkin is finished.
I have been working on this trio of brothers for a while. I have tried a few things out on him, mainly special effects and different kinds of blending and shading. He’s been on the painting desk for a long time, but the recent self-isolation guidelines have helped speed my progress up on him!
(Click on the pictures for larger images)
Otto Glott
I have finished the first of the Glott brothers. Otto. Next up I will be working on his sorcerer brother, Ethrac, next!
Maggotkin Work in Progress – Two
Done some more work on the Maggotkin. The weird thing about this project is nothing is set in stone. I keep changing my mind on colour schemes and how I want something to look. Still, thought I would share my work so far.
Ultramarines Repulsor Tank
Well, I dislike painting tanks, so this ended up being a little sloppy. But if I want to get my Ultramarines finished this year I had to buckle down and get it done. I have two more Repulsor tanks to paint, a regular and the Executioner variant. I also have the Impulsor. My idea is to try and spread out painting them, so I don’t get too disheartened.
Ultramarines Aggressors
Slowly chipping away at my Ultramarines and thought I would share my latest Aggressors unit.
WIP – The Glottkin
I have been working on the Glottkin for some time now, on and off. This is a very long-term project, as I keep changing my mind on how I want to do it. However, here is a foot I have been working on, as I haven’t posted a Work in Progress pic on anything for a while.