All posts by Dan Jackson

Azrael, Supreme Grand Master

This has been a a bit of a trial to paint. It’s such a classic mini, and it’s an amazing sculpt. But the fact that it is in metal meant I struggled with it. I know some people who love their metal models, but I definitely prefer plastic!


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Azrael Work in Progress

Further work in progress pic of Azrael.

Still work to do on the back banner, and I am yet to start on the back pack.

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Azrael Work in Progress

I have been working on his sword a little bit recently.

Not exactly the best I have ever done, but I nearly stopped working on this model. So it’s the best it is going to get!

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Azrael- Work in Progress

I don’t mind admitting I am struggling with this model. A lot of the detail isn’t there. Which I can only assume is because it’s a metal miniature. It is making it difficult to remain enthusiastic about painting it, which is a real shame because generally speaking it is very cool. Just parts of it are very frustrating.

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Azrael Work in Progress

This is a pretty awesome miniature, but because it is in metal I am struggling a little bit with getting it as smooth as I would like. Early days yet though!

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Azrael, Dark Angels Chapter Master

Been working on this lil fella recently.

He isn’t finished, but thought it would be cool to share! 😀

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Dark Elf Sorceress

I have recently been working on skin tones and faces, so I tried working on a super pale female. And no better than a Dark Elf Sorceress.

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Primaris Apothecary Completed

I recently painted this chap. I am pretty happy with him, I was under a pretty tight deadline, and if truth be told I would like to have spent more time on him. But considering the time constraints I can’t complain too much.

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Thousand Sons Psychic Contemptor Dreadnought

I need to finish this guys base (dead Space Wolf!), but he is done! 😀

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Further work in progress on the psychic dread

This is taking way longer than I thought it would do. Nearly finished, but not quite there!

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