All posts by Dan Jackson

Painting Blog

The Possessed champion is finished!

posschamp1 posschamp2 posschamp3

This isn’t the best thing I have ever painted, but given the lack of enthusiasm I have for the models now I am pretty pleased with how he turned out!

I wasn’t going to bother using the back pack with the wings, because I think they look a little stupid. But in the end I needed to do something that would denote him as the squad leader, and this is the best I could do without cracking open the green stuff!

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Painting Blog

The ninth Possessed Marine is coming along slowly.


Truth is, after painting the Gal’Vorbak it’s hard to get enthusiastic about the possessed. I don’t dislike the models, but in comparison to their older brothers they are rather uninspired. Ah well, just three more to do!

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Painting Blog

Eighth Possessed Marine complete!


Well, nearly. As always I need to finish the base. This isn’t a “great” paint job. It’s good enough, but the magic of these models has died a little bit since the Gal’Vorbak came along. Who’d have thought!

I may add a little more highlighting to the face tomorrow, but generally speaking I am just looking forward to moving on to something other than these guys!

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Painting Blog

I decided to work on the Possessed one at a time after putting the base colours on them.


So far so good. This guy should be completed by tonight. Slowly but surely getting these chaps done!

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Painting Blog

Work continues on the final Possessed!


Slow stuff really, trying to paint them all at the same time, but I’ve never been great at painting more than one mini at a time! I may eventually focus on one at a time once I’ve completed a few more of the basics.

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Painting Blog

With the Gal Vorbak completed I have returned to the last four Possessed Chaos Space Marines in order to finish the squad.


After that, it may be time to paint a vehicle!

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Painting Blog

Well, I had the chance to break out the old light box and camera this afternoon and did my best to take some decent photographs of the Gal Vorbak!

Gal Vorbak Squad1 Gal Vorbak squad2 Gal Vorbak1 Gal Vorbak2 Gal Vorbak3 Gal Vorbak4 Gal Vorbak5


I now have four more Possessed Chaos Space Marines to complete then I have a few options open to me. I have the majority of the Dark Vengeance Chaos models to paint. But I also have Space Hulk, chaos lord and sorcerer to convert and loads of other stuff…

… You never really finish painting your army do you!

I really need more daylight lamps to make the light box work for me as well as it could. But for now these will have to do!

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Painting Blog

Well, slightly better picture of the last of the Gal Vorbak.


Also the wings backpack for the next Possessed model!



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Painting Blog

Well, the final Gal Vorbak has been completed!


I have to be honest, this is the worst of the bunch. The details on the face (the other side of the one in the picture) was pretty bad. It really brought my enthusiasm down for what was my favourite miniature out of the five.

Still, they are done! I just have three more possessed models to finish, then I have a clean slate, will need to pick a new project!

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Painting Blog

Little more work has been done on the final Gal Vorbak, all of the bone areas are still to be completed, the face continues to annoy me a lot.


Hoping to get him done by tomorrow, then I think I have a few more possessed marines to finish off!

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