I have had this model for my Sisters of Battle army sat half painted for well… god knows? And in my continued quest to get all the minis finished in my pile of shame (Hahahaha – as if), I decided to finish him.

I also thought it would be cool to do a fancy classic background in photoshop for him, so I did just that!

Well, Kyrinov is done!

There’s loads more you could do with a mini like this, the robes are begging for more freehand but this is essentially a gaming piece and I didn’t want to go over the top.
He aint finished!

A quick update on Kyrinov. I don’t intend to spend much time on this guy, but since the face is the focal point of any mini, I try and spend a little more time on it.
I have managed to blend the stubble and beard into the skin, and fixed the stark contrast between the shading and the highlighting. I may do a small pattern on his white robes, but I think there is a lot going on already in that regard with the model. Just have to see!
Managed to do a little more on Kyrinov yesterday.

I still need to finish the face off, the highlights and shades are too stark, and need tidying up.
In a departure from painting only blue marines, I have decided to paint up this amazing model!

I have only really finished the purple robes, everything else is work in progress, but thought I would share!
Dan Jackson's Painting Blog