Category Archives: Chaos Space Marines

Painting Blog

Over the weekend I have been working away at a number of things.

Firstly the sixth possessed marine is coming along nicely. I try to put a decent amount of time into these sorts of minis because it’s pretty satisfying to see the end result, especially when they are all in a finished squad.


However I also try to keep in mind they are just table top minis, they aren’t showcase (by any stretch of the imagination). However these models really do deserve some more attention at some point in the future, and I may spend a week or so at some point just working on one model.

Additionally this weekend i cracked open the green stuff and got back into sculpting. It’s been an age since I did any sculpting and I want to get a bit more experience at it before attempting my landraider. First up was a converted banner arm for my possessed.


And secondly some rider legs for my biker champion (for when I eventually get round to doing some bikers).


Neither of these are finished, they need tidying up and more details added, but all in all it was a productive weekend!

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Painting Blog

Fifth possessed marine finished, really happy with how he turned out. This is a Tzeentch influenced marine, so I have one of all four gods, just have to work on an undivided guy now!



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Painting Blog – Heldrake finished

Finally finished this monster!

I can’t say it the best miniature I have ever painted. The raised metal areas are a real pain, and the “feet” of the miniature are ridiculous. They really make the whole model deserve its nickname of “Helturkey”.

But I do like the overall shape and the the theme of the model. Pilot merged with Daemon merged with vehicle. But I think it could have been executed much better in areas. Plus the model is a real paint to glue together.

Anyway, here are some pics! I will be finishing the base later tonight.

hdf1 hdf2 hdf3 hdf4 hdf5 hdf6 hdf7 hdf8 hdf9 hdf10

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Painting Blog – Heldrake Progress

Another update on my Heldrake.

I managed to get the neck pretty much done (still needs blood added to it) and started on the head.


The reasoning behind using the flesh tone I have picked is because I am heavily inspired by the Akira mutations, as seen in the film “Akira”! If you haven’t watched the movie (for shame) this is what I mean.


I did attempt to paint the pipes varying colours to show different levels of pressure on the skin, but it ended up looking a little weird.

Anyway, I am hoping to finish the head tonight, then it will just be a case of painting the torso and then it’s done!

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Dan’s Painting Blog

As well as providing hobby news and general articles, I will be using the site as something of a blog for myself. I will never feature the blog as a main article, but I will have it easily accessible for anyone who likes following that sort of thing.

You’ll have to forgive the rather poor title image until I can whip something better up!

Anyway, its been a while since I did anything like painting. My pc died a week or so ago and ever since then I have been building a new one, and the hobby side of things has had to suffer because of it.

Anyway, here is the stuff I am working on at the moment.



The Heldrake is a pain of a model. All those rivets, all that metal raised areas are enough to drive you a  little mad. To top it off I am not particularly happy with how the metal looks on the wings. I tried a new technique out and I am not that happy with it. So I am tempted to go back and do the metal again.


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