Category Archives: Dark Eldar

Lelith Hesperax

Another special character for my Dark Eldar army! Lelith Hesperax

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Dark Eldar Archon

Also finished an Archon for my army, to lead the force. I would love it if they made an Asdrubael Vect model.

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Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors

Five more Kabalite Warriors for my Dark Eldar. My army is pretty weird due to the new rules, so currently just mulling over how best to get them all equipped.

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Urien Rakarth

This model is Finecast, and painting it was as bad as Finecast gets.

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Clawed Fiend

As with Morathi, I painted this furry chap quite a while ago, and only just got round to taking a few snaps. I love this model, as is always the case, it’s a shame it is finecast, but I managed to power through!

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Dark Eldar Haemonculus

I have finished the generic Haemonculus for my Dark Eldar.

This is a gaming piece, so to stop myself going to far down the rabbit hole with the paint job I did two things.

  1. I completely built the model before I painted it. It made the process trickier, but it turned out okay.
  2. I gave myself a day to paint it. I tried this recently with two miniatures, and I was happy with the result, so decided to stick with it.


I have Urien Rakarth for my army, but the fact that he is a resin model fills me with sadness. 🙁

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Talos Pain Engine

I’m still pressed for time when it comes to painting, I have a lot going on that takes my attention away from the hobby. However, I have had this pain Engine in a half complete state for a while, and I managed to get it finished this morning.

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Dark Eldar Wracks

I have had very little time to paint recently, but I have had a half finished unit of Wracks sat on my table for a while now, so decided to get them finished.

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Dark Eldar Kabalites

I love Dark Eldar, and I have recently been painting up some Kabalite warriors to go in my army. If it weren’t for some dastardly vampires, I would still be painting Dark ELdar!

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Happy new year to everyone. I hope people had as safe a new year as they could do whilst having a little fun!

The first miniature I have finished this year is the fantastic new Drazhar model. This is a gaming piece, so a few corners were cut, but it would honestly be a great model to do as a presentation piece.

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