Second Chosen marine finished!
I struggled with the pipes around his head. The detail was pretty high and it threw me a little!
Still, onwards and upwards!
Second Chosen marine finished!
I struggled with the pipes around his head. The detail was pretty high and it threw me a little!
Still, onwards and upwards!
First chosen finished!
Base is still a little wet, but I wanted to get a picture before the light went completely!
This is a horrible miniature to paint.
The detail on these minis is pretty remarkable, but what I have noticed (for me anyway), is that once they are under coated and you put just a layer of paint on them, the detail seems to disappear.
Anyway, he’s just another WIP. Still need to finish him today, but I am hoping this is a one off, as the other chosen models seem to be much better cast.
So, now and then I do commission work. These two were used as objective markers in my clubs huge apocalypse game for the end of a campaign.
Sadly I missed the day itself, but I hear the navigator (or is it astropath?) won the day, as he had turned to chaos, and chaos won!
Anyway, I just thought I’d share them.
Started a test mini on my first chosen model.
These models are infuriating really. A little like the cultists, the models look pretty awesome in general, but there are a lot of areas on the mini where the plastic is stretched due tot he moulding process. It’s just so annoying.
Just two more to go!
This guy was turning out okay until I did the mask. I may go back and re do the stitching around the face.
Well, number sixteen finished.
Not great, but not brilliant either. Don’t really like this new camera I am using if I am honest. Doesn’t quite take pictures as well as my old one!
Ah well, first world problem!