Category Archives: Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Shadespire Wight King (?) Completed

Sixth Skelemans complete. Just one more to go, then it’s Thousand Sons time!

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Fifth Shadespire Skeleton Completed

Fifth Skelemans completed!

Just two more to go, then probably gonna start work on a Thousand Sons project!

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Fourth Skelemans Complete!

Fourth one done! These minis are so cool. Just wish I had more time to spend on them and to actually paint them quicker!

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Third Shadespire Skeleton

Third Skelemans is finished!

I completed this guy a few days or so ago, but migraines and photography do not mix. 😐

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Shadespire Skeleton Finished

I have done the first Skelemans from the Shadespire box set. Really awesome minis!

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Total War: Warhammer – Video

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