Category Archives: Word Bearers

Word Bearers Sorcerer

So I have “finished” this chap. The daemon smoke is clearly a bit rubbish, but honestly I don’t like the daemon. I am tempted to cut the daemon out and just have the magical flames. So I have done a fairly perfunctory job on it.
Other than that this mini is amazing. There’s nothing wrong with the detail of the daemon, I just don’t like it. However the detail on the face is mind blowing. I can’t recommend this miniature enough.
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Terminator Sorcerer Work in Progress 3

I did a little more on this guy yesterday. Can’t do anything today,  but thought I would share!

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Word Bearers Sorcerer – WIP 2!

Managed a little more work on my Sorcerer.

Not even close to finished, but the model is amazing.

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Word Bearers Terminator Sorcerer

I’ve spent some time today working on my Word Bearers Sorcerer.

The level on detail on this models face is amazing. I feel like I haven’t quite done it justice, but I may buy a second one of these just for the face alone.

The guy is leaning forward a little int he pic, this is due to the pose of the model. straight on he looks like this! 😀

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