I’m quickly working on a colour scheme for the Deathguard in the Dark Imperium boxed set. However, I don’t have Dark Imperium yet, so I decided to use Typhus as a test model!
This has been quite an interesting project for me, as I am usually a “clean” painter. So having to dirty up the mini has been interesting. Still nto sure about the grime yet. I may also add some goo to him.
I set myself a task yesterday. I wanted to get the below Dreadnought finished by the end of the day.
It isn’t amazing, and lets be honest, it could do with a great deal more work, but it was either paint it fast, or leave it to languish unpainted forever!
Next Ultramarine thing I should be painting will be Primaris Marines!
I’d have liked to have had this model in metal, as the finecast version of him isn’t the greatest. I actually think recent finecast sculpts have been fine, but like so many of the old finecast models, some of the detail has been lost on this model.
This is likely to be one of the last normal marine I paint (Loyalist at any rate!).
The new Primaris marines have a strong hold over me. I am likely to be going all out with them for my Ultramarines. However I knew I had to paint this chap before I went all out for Primaris! 😀
I need to finish the base (as always!) but the model is done.
This is a great model, it’s a bit of a shame I have rushed him. However I am pretty taken by the new Primaris marines. So my enthusiasm is a little low for “normal” marines.
I still need to finish the bases, but some more flock on there and all that, but they are finally complete. Hoping to have the Terminator Lord done tomorrow!
I’d love to have got some more time on this guy to go to town on him, but when I get my own version from the amazing new boxed set I am pretty certain I will revisit this model.
These guys are a joy to paint. You need to buy these just for the sake of painting them.