I am a little limited by what I paint at the moment due to most of my stuff being packed away for moving house. However I have been able to leave a few things out, and Telion here was one of them!
Painting Blog
This guy is finished!
He isn’t that great, or well, I think he looks good in the flesh but the pics make him look a bit bland.
Painting Blog
Painting Blog
First Maulerfiend finished!
I may do some more to its base, but generally speaking this is done. I need to do another Maulerfiend (for now) and a Chaos Lord on a bike. Still not entirely sure what I will be doing for that though! How can a guy with a lightning claw and a power fist ride a bike?
Painting Blog
Few more pics before I go back to work for the week!
The base isn’t finished and I will go back to the raised claw next week. The silver isn’t as good as I would like! Other than that this model is much larger than I thought. Deceptively so. Makes taking pictures against my usual wooden background difficult! However it is a joy to paint, already got plans for the next one!
Painting Blog
More work on my Maulerfiend. Still really enjoying painting this model!
Tried to get a few angles but the sizeof the mini makes taking photos awkward in my small painting area!
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Painting Blog
This is my Maulerfiend so far!
Quite a lot to do, but I am actually really enjoying this model. So far it has been really fun to paint, nothing too frustrating and the kit goes together really well, despite awful instructions!
Painting Blog
Well, here he is!
Kevin the chaos Familiar!
Now what do we think, with or without him?
I quite like the little bugger, and it makes the Sorcerer WYSIWYG!
Painting Blog
This guy isn’t quite finished yet, I still have one more thing to add to him, but the light is very hit and miss up here in Winterfel so I took the chance to snap a pic or three!
Pretty happy with this guy, simple conversion with just a little bit of green stuff work, but not much!
I now have some Maulerfiends to build and some sort of Chaos Lord on Bike conversion to do. I still have no inspiration about the bike though.
Oh and you know, I have Lorgar to do too!