Well, number sixteen finished.
Not great, but not brilliant either. Don’t really like this new camera I am using if I am honest. Doesn’t quite take pictures as well as my old one!
Ah well, first world problem!
Well, number sixteen finished.
Not great, but not brilliant either. Don’t really like this new camera I am using if I am honest. Doesn’t quite take pictures as well as my old one!
Ah well, first world problem!
Well, this is a truly awful paint job.
I still need to finish the gas mask thing, the silver needs to be touched up, but I am trying to get the cultists finished quickly.
I haven’t had much painting mojo recently, but yesterday I spent the afternoon painting a cultist.
Still have seven more of these to do, so painfully boring!
So here is a quick update pic of Kor Phaeron.
I really haven’t enjoyed painting this so far, not because the sculpt isn’t great (it is) but because the low quality of the cast has really damaged a lot of the details. I am going to continue paitnign him for the time being, but I won’t be surprised if the model doesn’t get finished, or gets rushed.
The lesson here is just because you may be able to get something cheap, it doesn’t mean you should.
Just recently I was given the opportunity to pick up a pretty poorly cast Kor Phaeron.
Now, I have my suspicions regarding this mini, but given I didn’t really have to do much to get it, I thought “might as well”.
As you can see, here is some of the repair work I have had to do.
My view on this is that I will eventually pick both Erebus and Kor Phaeron up, so this is a good test mini for pre heresy Word Bearers colours. I also love Kor Phaeron as a character, he’s a real bad guy, not someone being miss-lead or given a bad time which lead to bad choices, he is 100% pure villain. And I love it!
Well, I still need to add some weathering and battle damage (not too much though!). But the Land Raider is done!
I turned this:
Into this:
I just want to thank Biohazard again, from the bolter and chainsword forums who sent me the extra armour kit. You’re a real saint and I owe you a great deal of thanks.
Also thanks to commander Kraal for the gift of books!
I may have to take something of a break for a few days, I worked on this none stop since I received the armour plates.
Nearly finished!
I still have to do the two crew men, and then add some Word Bearers Icons and some battle damage, but the end is in sight!
Well, yesterday the light was too dark, and today the light seems very bright! Here’s a pic of the Land Raider anyway!
You have to take my word for it here (pun intended), the red is darker than this. My poxy camera and photography skills can’t seem to capture the correct shade!
Anyway, just the driver and the pintle mounted storm bolter and the Lascannons to go. I have literally been putting in eight hour shifts to get this beast finished!
Another day, another Land Raider update!
This armour kit is a real joy to paint. It’s taken a while and I have had to do the best I can with the blending of the reds without an airbrush. I find the larger the surface area the harder it is to do a decent job. I’m not the best painter of tanks though, so it’s all a learning curve!