Painting Blog

The Possessed champion is finished!

posschamp1 posschamp2 posschamp3

This isn’t the best thing I have ever painted, but given the lack of enthusiasm I have for the models now I am pretty pleased with how he turned out!

I wasn’t going to bother using the back pack with the wings, because I think they look a little stupid. But in the end I needed to do something that would denote him as the squad leader, and this is the best I could do without cracking open the green stuff!

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Painting Blog

Eighth Possessed Marine complete!


Well, nearly. As always I need to finish the base. This isn’t a “great” paint job. It’s good enough, but the magic of these models has died a little bit since the Gal’Vorbak came along. Who’d have thought!

I may add a little more highlighting to the face tomorrow, but generally speaking I am just looking forward to moving on to something other than these guys!

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