It has been suggested in some dark corners of the galaxy that Rein and Raus are somehow no longer loyal to the Emperor, and that they may have questionable loyalties.
This is obviously “fake news”, as these two brave adventurers are on a mission to “liberate” technology in the name of the Imperium. Sure, they may end up slightly wealthier for their efforts, and they may have gone a little AWOL to do so, but no one can doubt their skill, and they are obviously the GREATEST adventurers to grace the Blackstone Fortress!
I don’t get much time to paint this time of year, but I have managed to “quickly” paint a Chaos Lord up for a friend’s birthday. I say quick, I am that busy at the moment this took me about a month.
I have actually painted this miniature once before, and I decided to mix it up a little bit, and changed the colour scheme a smidge.
Leader of my Cypher Lords complete. Well, kind of. I tried something new with the purple gems to speed it up and it hasn’t worked. So will return to those at a later date. Otherwise happy with him.
The first three of my Cypher Lords are complete. These are for an upcoming campaign, so getting through them as fast as possible. I have until November to get them complete!
I have finished my first Knight Desecrator. Coming up for my own scheme and Knightly house hold has been really fun, and if you have been tempted by one of these kits I strongly recommend getting one. They are really good fun!
Click for larger image.Click for larger image.Click for larger image.
As fun as this mini has been, I had to rush it a little towards the end. I am not happy with the skull on his Ion Shield, and the base is just a very perfunctory effort. When I get chance I plan on revisiting these areas. But I have learnt a lot, and generally speaking I am happy with him.
Well, the majority of the body work and base painting is done. I am now up to the transfers/heraldry stage. I am currently jotting down sketches for the house emblem, and looking for general inspiration!