I have had to phone this guy in a little, as the Kill Team tournament I am taking part in is looming, and I still need to build 80% of the Kill Team, let alone paint them!
All posts by Dan Jackson
Ultramarines Kill Team Sergeant
I am soon to be taking part in a Kill Team tournament, and whilst I don’t realistically expect to have painted up the whole team in time for it, I am trying to at least get the leader done!
I present, Sergeant Bennius Norrisium!
Cawdor Ganger
I have finished my first House Cawdor ganger. This has been a real joy to paint.
I may still return to this guy. I am not totally happy with the guys’ eyes. I wanted to paint them as having just pin pricks of light, but I am not sure it has worked.
I am also not 100% on the bottle. I just need to take some time away from it and see how I feel.
Great mini though!
Cawdor Ganger WIP – Two
Still working on this guy, taking my time with him, as the heat. whilst cooler, still makes it annoying to paint.
Cawdor ganger WIP -One
Been looking forward to painting the new Cawdor stuff, even before it was released. This was my gang from when I was a teenager, and I can’t wait to give them a modern paint job! 😀
Guardian of Souls
I have managed to complete the Guardian of Souls!
I may return to the dark blue robes in the future, and then maybe add some more snow to the model.
Guardian of Souls – WIP 1
I am meant to be moving house, but what wins. Packing stuff away or painting minis.
Yup, that’s right, painting minis! Although I am rushing through this a lil faster than I would have liked. It’s a forgiving model though, and I can go back to it at a later date!
Classic Iyanden Farseer
I have finished this classic Farseer model.
I was tempted to do a little freehand on this guy, but the understated nature of the mini is what I loved about it, so I have decided to leave it as is.
I love Iyanden Eldar!
Classic Farseer WIP – 2
Nearly finished this chap. I need to finish the rune he is holding in his left hand, and I may add some freehand somewhere to his robes. I am in two minds about this though, as one of the reasons I like this model is because it is so clean and tidy.
Classic Eldar Farseer – WIP 1
Just started on this chap.
Been wanting to paint this for ages. Such a great little sculpt despite its age!