Category Archives: Age of Sigmar

WIP – The Glottkin

I have been working on the Glottkin for some time now, on and off. This is a very long-term project, as I keep changing my mind on how I want to do it. However, here is a foot I have been working on, as I haven’t posted a Work in Progress pic on anything for a while.

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Cypher Lords

I have finished my Cypher Lords. Just in time for a campaign.

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Gotrek Gurnisson

I recently painted Gotrek for a friend’s birthday present! Happy Birthday Ben!

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Gotrek – WIP1

I am currently painting Gotrek for a friend as a birthday present.

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Cypher Lords

The first three of my Cypher Lords are complete. These are for an upcoming campaign, so getting through them as fast as possible. I have until November to get them complete!

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Untamed Beasts – Heart Eater

I have been painting the Heart Eater from the Untamed Beasts. All of the Warcry models are amazing, and I had to take the opportunity to “quickly” paint one up!
Back to the Thousand Sons now. And by Thousand Sons I obviously mean Tzaangors!
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Final Blight King Squad

Final Blight King unit is complete! These have been really fun to paint, I just have a Glottkin and Bloab Rotspawn to do and the army is finished!

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Second Blightking Squad

Another quick squad of Blightkings done! Thoroughly enjoying painting these.

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Harbinger of Decay

Harbinger of Decay done! Difficult getting a good angle for this chap!

Either way, I think that’s all the characters for my Maggotkin done apart from the Glottkin. That may take me a while!

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Lord of Blights

Finished a Lord of Blights for my Maggotkin army.

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