The pile of shame grows ever smaller, with the latest addition to my Maggotkin of Nurgle, Bloab Rotspawned.
Category Archives: Maggotkin of Nurgle
Who doesn’t love a good Nurgling? Well, apart from Tzeentch?
And here is a host of Nurgling butts for your delight.
Rotbringer Sorcerer
I haven’t had much time to paint recently, and any free time I have had has been taken up with Elden Ring. However, I have managed to finish a Rotbringer Sorcerer for my Maggotkin army!
Plague Bearers Complete
Ogroid Myrmidon
I have recently finished the fantastic Ogroid Myrmidon. Every now and then a model comes along that I know I have to paint. And this is one such model.
The Wurmspat
Ghulgoch the Butcher – Blightking of the Wurmspat
I have finished Ghulgoch the Butcher. I just have Fecula to paint up, then my new Warhammer Underworlds warband is ready to go!
Lord of Afflictions
I have finished yet another miniature for my Maggotkin, this is a Lord of Afflictions. I am very close to having my base 2000 points completed. Just four Pusgoyle Blightlords to paint up then it’s done. Will need to paint up some daemons to summon though!

Sepsimus – Blight King of the Wurmspat
Pretty much finished the first Blightking bodyguard model from the Wurmspat. I need to add some tufts to the base and some goo on his… err… tail? But he is done.