I have completed the Dark Commune to go alongside my Word Bearers. I wonder if the Thousand Sons will be able to use this unit in the future.
Category Archives: Painting Blog
Witch-King of Angmar
Just before Christmas (Christmas Eve to be exact) I managed to paint up the Witch-King of Angmar as a test scheme for another project. I have limited myself to greys and silvers, and wanted to see what the outcome would be.
Sadly, just as I was finishing this mini, the household came down with Papa Nurgle’s blessing, and the only person spared from his gifts was myself. So I didn’t have time to snap a pic or anything as I have been trying to look after everyone (badly) since he was complete!
Goff Rocka!
I always like painting the Christmas model GW brings out, even if this one doesn’t seem to be festive at all? So I added some snow to it, and there we go!
Word Bearers Rhino
Classic (?!) Adeptus Ministorum Missionary
I have had this model for my Sisters of Battle army sat half painted for well… god knows? And in my continued quest to get all the minis finished in my pile of shame (Hahahaha – as if), I decided to finish him.
I also thought it would be cool to do a fancy classic background in photoshop for him, so I did just that!
T’au Crises Battle Suit
Work continues on the boy’s T’au army. He had this pre built crisis suit donated to him by his uncle, so decided to paint it up, so that it doesn’t languish on the pile of shame. The weapons are magnetised, which is not something I personally like to do, but it did help with the painting side of things!
Cadre Fireblade
I have completed another miniature for my son’s T’au army. Odd model this, why does he have a sheathed knife raised into the sky? There have been some odd poses in many a wargaming miniature, but this is very weird.
Word Bearers Legionaries
Sons of the Raven – Captain “Claw Lord” (??) Kovin
I have finished a model for my home brew Primaris Space Marine chapter, the Sons of the Raven.
After the test model I did, I wanted to add purple as the third colour, as it felt a bit too mono chrome.