I have completed Xandire’s Truthseekers for Warhammer Underworlds!
These models are a little weird, the faces on the two without helms seem to be slightly off. Not sure what it is, just off somehow.
I like Christmas, I like gobbos, and I like Squigs.
This may be the perfect model?
I haven’t painted up a character model in a while, so I thought I would have a crack at the recent Vampire model released for Warhammer Day.
Do love me some Undead!
One of the first projects I ever completed back in the day was my Cawdor gang. The old metal models were amazing at the time, and I still have them in storage somewhere.
As my painting time is limited to an hour or so most evenings, I decided to crack on with my half finished projects. And I thought it was high time for the “The Sickness” (gang name, in no way related to the band) to get a face lift.
I was lucky enough to get my hands on the new Thousand Sons Infernal Master model.
This is a really cool model, although the swirly daemon summoning magic stuff looks like it could break at any time. Doesn’t fill me with confidence taking it to places for games.
However, the none twisted backpack, and the whole concept is very cool. Nice little nods here and there to the heresy.
These guys were pretty “horrifying” to photograph! 😀
I don’t have as much time for painting these days as I used to, so I decided to get these done to what I consider my table top standard. I plan on using them for both my Thousand Sons, and my Disciples of Tzeentch army, whenever I get round to that.
I don’t tend to return to old models, but in Ahriman’s case, I made an exception.
This old metal model is one of the first I ever collected for Chaos, and he was the reason I made a strong connection with the Thousand Sons. I have tried to keep as much of my older paint job on him I could, whilst making sure he fit the paint scheme for my current force.
It’s nothing special, but the model holds a special place in my collection.