During the most recent lock down due to COVid-19, I have taken to painting up miniatures I have had for ages, but not got round to it. One of which was the 30K version of everyone’s favourite Primarch, Magnus the Red.
I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this model. For a start it is excellently sculpted, and the pose is suitably dynamic, and lets be honest, it’s Magnus, so he is brilliant.
However I hate painting resin, even Forge World’s very high quality resin has been spoilt by just how good Citadel plastic miniatures are. Some of the details on resin figures just don’t come out well in the production process (specifically the very fine detail), and it’s kind of infuriating because it makes painting certain elements of it a chore.
Still, the best Primarch ever has yet another space in my display cabinet!
So, this is the second Daemon Prince/Contemptor Dread conversion I completed, but it is technically the third one. As it is the one showing the most corruption. I really enjoyed this project, and I have had to prevent myself from going too overboard with it, as it is a gaming piece. But I am happy with how he has turned out!
Click for larger image.Click for larger image.Click for larger image.
Managed to get a little bit of this chap painted. Just working through the colour palette for him at the moment, some of his skin is likely to be fleshy coloured, as I always like there to be a hint in there that this used to be a man.
I have recently been working on my Daemon Prince conversion.
Click for larger image.
Given how few new miniatures Thousand Sons got (compared to Death Guard), I have been using it as an excuse to explore some more ideas for them. I knew I wanted to use the Psychic Contemptor Dreadnoughts in my army, and I use them as Daemon Princes (the size of the minis, and the in game rules don’t very massively!). I also wanted to show the sliding scale of corruption. So the Osiron dread has been left as is, just a few little bits added, and a nice blue paint job.
I also have a plan to make a middle ground Contemptor Dreadnought, in which some mutation is showing through, but not quite as much as the one I am working on now.
It’s early days yet for it, and I have only done tiny bits of green stuff work and converting, but I am really enjoying it!
Another Tzaangor completed. That’s now 6/80 gors done! Slowly adding to the pile!
As an aside I tried to take a little more time on this chap. Not a crazy amount of time, but I paid some attention to his gems and the potion on his belt. It’s still a gaming piece so nothing mental.
Whenever I get any of my miniatures in White Dwarf it’s always awesome, but this month my Magnus the Red has not only been featured but is also the Model of the month!
Click for bigger picture.
Here is some higher quality pictures for better scrutiny!
Click for larger image.
It honestly never gets old seeing my stuff in the Dwarf, 15 year old me wouldn’t believe it if I could go back in time and let him know! 😀