Category Archives: Warhammer 40,000

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Lord

I decided to paint up the Heresy Librarian as a Sorcerer Lord for my Thousand Sons. I think I may end up using him as a second Infernal Master (may ven sculpt some lil daemons for his base at some point!), but I did originally intend for him to be a Sorcerer Lord.

Cracking model. Fun to do little kit bash on him.

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Lelith Hesperax

Another special character for my Dark Eldar army! Lelith Hesperax

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Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise

This is last year’s Red Gobbo model. I pre ordered him, but he only showed up in the middle of January, and it felt a bit weird painting and xmas model so early in the new year. So I saved him for this year!

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Tau Ethereal – Aun’Shi

My lad wanted to add Aun’Shi to his T’au army when Games Workshop put him up for made to order a while ago, and he finally arrived a week or so ago. Naturally, he had to get painted pretty quickly.

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Ultramarines Terminator Captain

It’s been quite  a while  since I painted  anything for my Ultramarines, and playing Space Marine 2  inspired  me to get one done!

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Word Bearers Cultists

The new Chaos Codex has arrived, and I have been mulling over my army list, and trying to size up a decent 2k points. I would like to get gaming a bit more, and I thought I should paint up at least one squad of these, they seem pretty decent, and the models are great.

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Accursed Cultist/Gellerpox Infected

I love the  Gellerpox Infected models, but didn’t see anywhere I could put  them in my Word Bearers force. That is, until the  Accursed Cultists became a thing. I used three of the big fellas, and converted two extra models to make up a full squad. This way I don’t have to have duplicate models in my army, and I get to have some amazing minis to boot!

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Who doesn’t love a good Nurgling? Well, apart from Tzeentch?

And here is a host of Nurgling butts for your delight.

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Space Marine Captain – Master of the Arsenal

Yet another blast from the past, this time and old metal space marine captain. This chap has been waiting for a paint job since they were first released, but here we are. If memory serves this chap is the captain of the 3rd company, which is the Master of the Arsenal. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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Classic (ish) Harlequin Troupe

I continue to work through my Pile of Glory (Shame…). These metal Harlequins have been on the pile for err.. well… so long I am pretty sure their weapon load outs aren’t actually legal anymore. Anyway, cool models, and the inspiration for the current Harlequin plastics.

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