Category Archives: Warhammer 40,000

Abaddon – WIP 1

Next project on the painting table is Abaddon.  Not only is this guy an iconic figure in the 40k lore, but his new model is very very sweet. I couldn’t resist!

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Master of Possession

The master of Possessions is finally done. Well, nearly. I need to do more with his base and tidy up the back pack and cloak. But he is done. I am pretty happy with this paint job, and it is a really amazing model. It has “Word Bearers” written all over it… not you… literally… but well, you get my point.

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Master of Possessions – WIP – 4

I am nearing the end on this amazing miniature. I still have to finish his staff and belt buckle, and tidy the robes up here and there. After that it’s the back pack and done!

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Master of Possessions – WIP 3

Work continues!

Quite a lot left to do, but a couple of pics!


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Master of Possessions – WIP 2

Work continues on the Master of Possessions. This is a brilliant model, but very tricky with all the details!

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Master of Possessions – WIP1

I have done some more work on this guy. I spent most of the time deciding on colour compositions so it’s been slow going. Hoping to get a chunk more done today though!

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Fur and feet

So I am starting my Word Bearers all over again. My old miniatures have pretty much been put into retirement. I have been waiting for a new Chaos Space Marine range for a long time, and my old Word Bearers had varying levels of painting quality.

This time round I hope to try and have a consistent paint scheme and quality of painting.

So, it is starting with the Master of Possessions. This is such a great miniature, and it’s whole role is extremely Word Bearer-like.

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I need to tidy this chap up a little, much like the previous Reiver. The edge highlights on his shin  and legs are a little ropy. But I am getting these done pretty fast!

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Primaris Reiver

I need to tidy up a few bits, but I thought I would snap a pic or two this guy.

He is pretty much done. That’s two out of five of this squad done. Slowly building my Primaris force!

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Primaris Intercessors

I have finished my second squad of Primaris Intercessors.

(Click for larger image)

This squad has been painted in a pretty quick manner, as I want to use it for Kill Team, and I was meant to have finished it in October. I need to paint up four more Reivers then my roster is complete!

Pics of individual models.

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