Category Archives: Warhammer 40,000

Vashtorr the Arkifane

Another big  mini done, on a roll! This time Vashtorr the Arkifane. Yet another model that had been on the pile of shame that I am finally getting round to painting.

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Azrael – Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels

Some time ago I painted Azrael for my brother’s birthday. With the new miniature, I thought I would paint it up again for his birthday this year, but put it on a scenic base and all that jazz. Sadly I had some issues printing out the Dark Angels symbol for the base, so it has a place holder painted one for now!

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Only 5 years after his release, and most of those years sat on my desk unpainted, I have finally painted up Ahriman!

Belting model this, but suffers from what a lot of recent GW models suffer from, very fragile details that seem to want to bend/break/snap off at the smallest provocation.

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Dark Eldar Archon

Also finished an Archon for my army, to lead the force. I would love it if they made an Asdrubael Vect model.

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Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors

Five more Kabalite Warriors for my Dark Eldar. My army is pretty weird due to the new rules, so currently just mulling over how best to get them all equipped.

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Urien Rakarth

This model is Finecast, and painting it was as bad as Finecast gets.

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Clawed Fiend

As with Morathi, I painted this furry chap quite a while ago, and only just got round to taking a few snaps. I love this model, as is always the case, it’s a shame it is finecast, but I managed to power through!

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Word Bearers – Accursed Cultists

Had this gruesome lot sat on my desk for a while, waiting for their bases to be painted. So decided to get them done. I love these sorts of models, so more of this kind of thing please Games Workshop!

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Word Bearers Possessed Chaos Space Marines

I have finished some Possessed Chaos Space marines for my Word Bearers. As with most of my projects of late, these have been done with an eye to gaming, so not so much a display piece, really intended for gaming. Especially now 10th edition is here!

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Chaos Obliterators

I am back to painting half finished projects from the pile of  glory (shame). I have three Obliterators waiting to get done, but I thought I would get this fella done first, as he was built  and converted as one model, with no sub assemblies. It was a bit of a pain to get to all the nooks and crannies, but pretty happy with him!


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