I had a minor collision with another car just before xmas (he smashed into me!), which knackered my back and hand a little (and my car), so I haven’t been able to paint much at all. I have however managed to finish off a squad of terminators when I have managed to work through it.
Category Archives: Word Bearers
Word Bearers Lord Discordant
Lord Discordant – WIP 2
Lord Discordant – Work in Progress
Word Bearers Squad
So, this is the first squad of my new Word Bearers force. Looking forward to spending a bit more time with this paint scheme on a character soon (maybe when it isn’t so damn warm!)

Here is the same squad but on different backgrounds!

Word Bearers Test model
I am finally getting round to painting up a new Word Bearers army. Unlike my previous army, I really wanted to strike a more sinister, darker tone for the army.
This is the first of many models!
Recently, any Word Bearers I have painted have been characters, and I have blended the dark red and black together. This is fine for characters, however for rank and file troops it is time consuming. And for the entire army it meant there would be inconsistent shades of red across different units.
To get around this I have mixed together my own dark red for the base colour.
This is a mix of Abaddon Black and Mephiston red. Knowing I would need a lot of it, I mix them together into one pot. So any unit I paint now will be the exact same colour as the next.
I am hoping to get the whole army done by next summer. So I foresee a lot a Word Bearers in my future!
Word Bearers Sorcerer
I have had this model built and undercoated ready to be painted since he came out. And I have finally got round to popping a quick lick of paint on him!
I love the model, but I am not sure he has a place in my 9th edition Word Bearers army, so I haven’t spent too much time on him.
Master of Possession
The master of Possessions is finally done. Well, nearly. I need to do more with his base and tidy up the back pack and cloak. But he is done. I am pretty happy with this paint job, and it is a really amazing model. It has “Word Bearers” written all over it… not you… literally… but well, you get my point.
Master of Possessions – WIP – 4
I am nearing the end on this amazing miniature. I still have to finish his staff and belt buckle, and tidy the robes up here and there. After that it’s the back pack and done!
Master of Possessions – WIP 3
Work continues!
Quite a lot left to do, but a couple of pics!