After finishing my Predator tank I decided to return to the two remaining terminators I had left from a box I semi built years ago.
I’m not sure how well this guy will fit with my current terminators as the paint job is much darker. However I still feel this darker shade of red is just more fitting for Word Bearers.
It’s been ages since I posted because I have been moving house! Here is a a lot of pictures of the projects I have done recently that I haven’t been able to take decent photos of!
So, as you may or may not have noticed, my Word Bearers are a rather bright shade of red. I have been wanting to find a dark shade of red for a long time, but nothing jumped out at me as something I was happy with. Recently though I have been really trying to master a more sinister colour more befitting the Sons of Lorgar,and I think i have found it,. Here is a test mini I have been working on. What do you all think?
It’s nothing amazing, but generally speaking I am happy with it! Sadly the codex doesn’t really support taking Chaos predators, so I doubt it will see many games, but it’s just nice to paint a model for the sake of painting it!
The basic details on the predator are nearly done! I just have the top hatch and pintle mounted storm bolter to do and then the details and such can be added!
Again, apologies about the picture, I am very pressed for photography space due to things being packed up and such!