All posts by Dan Jackson

Obsidian Mallex

Obsidian Mallex is now complete!

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Obsidius Mallex – WIP 2

I began this model some time ago, but I started getting pretty unwell literally as I sat there painting him, and haven’t touched the mini for about three months.

After spending some time recovering , I have finally got round to him again.

To be honest, you can tell I was a little ropey, as I am not particularly happy with the front of the model. But The cloak and the back of him doesn’t look too bad!

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Legion of the Damned Squad Complete

My small Legion of the Damned Squad is now complete!

I’m pretty happy with how these guys have turned out, there’s a lot more I could do with them, but I at least this project is complete!


(Click for larger image)

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Painting Bone Guide

I recently did a guide on painting bone. There’s a number of ways to paint bone, based on how old or how dirty you want the bone to be, but this is the scheme I went with when painting my legion of the damned models.

This isn’t a very difficult technique, and you could definitely go further with it.

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Fourth Legion of the Damned marine

The painting quality is pretty awful on this guy, but he is done, just one more to go and that’s the first of many projects completed!

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Second Damned Legionnaire

I haven’t painted a model now since I think the middle of November. Christmas, work and general ill health have kept me away from the painting table.

So I am quickly just catching up on a few projects I started last year, the first of which is the Legion of the Damned squad. And here is the third model in a squad of five.

He’s a little scruffy but I am a little out of practice and I also filmed myself painting him for a bone tutorial. And filming whilst painting is tricky!

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Damned Legionnaire One

So, I haven’t been too well recently, so it has made painting difficult. However, I have managed to quickly paint up this chap to add to the recent Sergeant Centurius I did a while ago.


Sorry for the poor picture quality, can’t get the lighting just right at the moment.

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Obsidius Mallex – WIP 1

I am lucky enough to have got my hands on the new Chaos Lord, and decided to paint him up as Black Legion. I will very likely be painting this guy up for my Word Bearers too at some point.

Loads to do yet, lot of tidying up and such, but not too bad so far. Gorgeous model, so cool to be getting some unaligned Chaos models! 😀

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Legion of the Damned – Sergeant Centurius

Well, my project to rescue this old model has been a nice little success.

There are parts of the model, such as the face and the skull he is holding, that lost a fair bit of detail in the process, but I think I have managed to fix them well enough.

I must admit, I would love a squad of these guys to go alongside him! :O

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Sergeant Centurius – WIP3

So he is pretty much done. I was debating about how best to replace his backpack. I know banners allow for some cool artwork, but I tend to leave them out, as they just strike me as being very impractical.

I tried to make his face look a little more leathery and sunken. I spent a bit of time goggling corpses, which was a jolly experience and I am sure someone in law enforcement is having a field day with my google history. 😀

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