All posts by Dan Jackson

Painting Blog

Sometimes I buy a miniature simply to paint. I imagine many of you lot are the same. However I have to admit, right now the model on the left of this picture is probably my favourite miniature.


I can’t tell you why, I just knew the minute I saw it many years ago that I had to own and paint it. Well recently a trip to Warhammer World finally allowed me to purchase it!

There are loads of models I have bought purely because I thought they looked rad as hell, but I honestly think the floating Chaos Psyker has to be the top. There’s a few out there that compete with it, but if I had to sit and choose one, this would be it.

Anyone else have a model they bought purely to own it!?

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Painting Blog

Two comments have cropped up more than once since I posted the finished Mhara Gal.

First  – How big is he? Can we get a marine next to him for scale?

Second – You should take a picture of him with the Gal Vorbak and your Possessed marines.

So who am I to disappoint? 😀

mgndave mgnfrands mgnmoarfrands

The difference in the shade of red I use now and when I painted the rest of these minis is pretty apparent. I wont re paint them, but just find it interesting.

Oh and I much prefer the “desk top” pics I take. I just like seeing people’s work spaces, and I think the light box pictures come across a little sterile. Just my opinion mind!

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Painting Blog

Well, the Mhara Gal is “finished”.

bmg1 bmg2 bmg3 bmg4 wmg1 wmg2 wmg3 wmg4

I may yet add some things. In fact I know I need to put the Word Bearers logo on the right shoulder pad. I just can’t decide if it will be 30k or 40k logo!

I’ve added both black and white background pictures. I prefer black background pictures for my bad guys. I also think the red looks much richer and more true to life on the black background. You guys can be the best judge.

This model isn’t very photogenic, and I don’t think it comes across as cool in pictures as it does in real life. I also think the model is a little lazy. The joints at the arms seem to be at odds. The torso has melting flesh puckering up to the ball joint of the shoulder pad. However the shoulder pad itself is just nice and smooth. It seems to disrupt the flow of the miniature.

I still love it, there’s a few niggles and things I would have done differently if I had to paint it again, but I can’t grumble. Although truth be told, this was a hell of a miniature to paint, so I am kinda glad it is over!

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Painting Blog

Nearly finished the Mhara Gal!

mghead mgtight mgleft








I love this model because, well, it’s a huge chaos robot, what’s not to love? However I do feel like the torso is “too busy”. By this I mean there is a lot going on it’s difficult to discern some of the details because the sculptor seemed to want to do a lot with it. Also, there isn’t a focal point. Normally a miniatures head is the focal point, in this model’s case the head is so mangled and indistinct that you find your eyes wandering a little too much. This may have been the desired effect. It is chaos after all. It’s just odd to paint. I nearly did some OSL effects round the head area to really mark it out, but decided against it at the last minute.

Anyway, just his arms to do then he’s done! Oh and I need to redo the highlights on the model’s right hand side. They got a little rubbed off during painting!

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Painting Blog

I have finally got round to doing a little more work on the Mhara Gal!


I hope to have this guy finished by next week! Starcraft 2 took up a little more of my spare time than I would like to admit!

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40k Battle Report- Word Bearers Vs. Dark Angels – 1850 points.

A few days ago I had a game with my brother and we took a few videos. I have done my best to put these videos into a battle report. The video quality isn’t great, this was a test run and hopefully next time I will have a better camera!

Anyway, tips and criticism is more than welcome.


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Painting Blog

Further work on the Mhara Gal!

mharalegs2 mahrabod

I know the pictures are a little dark, I am in a rush this morning so just took a few snaps. Only a WIP pic so not the end of the world!

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Painting Blog

Work continues on the Mhara Gal!


The legs aren’t stuck together yet, I just wanted to pose them a little so people could get a general feel for the model so far. Still lots to do but quite happy with how it has turned out. I may add some nurgle’s rot to the pipes to make them look a little more “ewww”. Not sure yet!

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Painting Blog

Work has started on the Mhara Gal!


Early days yet, but yeah, nice to finally get round to painting this beast!

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Painting Blog

With five terminators completed, I thought it was time for a group shot!


I think I will make a start on the Mhara Gal next, it’s been waiting for quite a long time!

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