Category Archives: Painting Blog

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Lord

I decided to paint up the Heresy Librarian as a Sorcerer Lord for my Thousand Sons. I think I may end up using him as a second Infernal Master (may ven sculpt some lil daemons for his base at some point!), but I did originally intend for him to be a Sorcerer Lord.

Cracking model. Fun to do little kit bash on him.

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Lelith Hesperax

Another special character for my Dark Eldar army! Lelith Hesperax

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Kharadron Overlords Admiral

First painted mini of the month is this Kharadron Overlords Admiral. I wanted to try and quickly mock up my own colour scheme, based on how I painted my Warhammer Fantasy army back in the day!

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Soulblight Gravelord – Vargheists

I have managed to end the year with one last unit of Vampire gribblies. These three Vargheists round out my 1000 point Vampire army list, and if the rumours are to be believed, we may be due some new gribblies in the not-too-distant future!


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Grotmas Gitz!

Just managed to get last year’s Grotmas Gitz model completed before Grotmas day! Looks  like this year’s model will have to wait till next year!


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Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise

This is last year’s Red Gobbo model. I pre ordered him, but he only showed up in the middle of January, and it felt a bit weird painting and xmas model so early in the new year. So I saved him for this year!

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Soulblight Gravelord – Blood Knights

They have taken quite a while, but I have finally finished a unit of Blood Knights. Can’t go wrong with vampires!

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Dwarf Lord with Shield Bearers

I have painted this as a favour for a friend. I wouldn’t say he put pressure on me to do it, but any time I posted a picture of a model that wasn’t this, he made “friendly” reminders under that post!

Belting kit though, looks really good on the battlefield.

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Tau Ethereal – Aun’Shi

My lad wanted to add Aun’Shi to his T’au army when Games Workshop put him up for made to order a while ago, and he finally arrived a week or so ago. Naturally, he had to get painted pretty quickly.

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Ultramarines Terminator Captain

It’s been quite  a while  since I painted  anything for my Ultramarines, and playing Space Marine 2  inspired  me to get one done!

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