Well, slightly better picture of the last of the Gal Vorbak.
Also the wings backpack for the next Possessed model!
Well, slightly better picture of the last of the Gal Vorbak.
Also the wings backpack for the next Possessed model!
Well, the final Gal Vorbak has been completed!
I have to be honest, this is the worst of the bunch. The details on the face (the other side of the one in the picture) was pretty bad. It really brought my enthusiasm down for what was my favourite miniature out of the five.
Still, they are done! I just have three more possessed models to finish, then I have a clean slate, will need to pick a new project!
Little more work has been done on the final Gal Vorbak, all of the bone areas are still to be completed, the face continues to annoy me a lot.
Hoping to get him done by tomorrow, then I think I have a few more possessed marines to finish off!
This is a picture of my Word Bearers Terminators published in this week’s White Dwarf!
Here is a clearer picture of the minis in question!
I am pretty damn happy about this, and pretty shocked too! 😀
Little more work has been done on the final Gal Vorbak.
I have to admit the face on this guy is really annoying. I am not sure if the detail around his mouth is so fine that I have cack-handedly ruined it, or if it is slightly miscast. Rest of the model is really nice, just the face.
Anyway, nearly done, no idea what comes next after this guy!
Hot on the heels of my previous Gal Vorbak, work has already begun on the final member of the squad, the champion.
I actually use these guys as Chaos Spawn for my Word Bearers in 40k. I’ve never played 30k, but I really hope the rules in that system do the models justice.
I need to finish his base but this is the fourth Gal Vorbak done and dusted! Just one more to go and then I get to start a new project. Either the Space Hulk terminators or even more Chaos stuff!
I may revisit this guy in the future, just touch his horns up a little and maybe his legs. It;’s been a few weeks since I put paint to brush and I have lost my edge a little bit!
It’s been quite a while since I have had enough time to spend on these guys, I also got quite a lot of new minis for Christmas which have been drawing my attention away from them! Still, I don’t like starting a new project before finishing the old one.
Quite happy with him so far, really love these models so despite the new stuff appealing to me, this doesn’t feel like a chore at all!
It’s been a while since I have been able to work on anything. A number of things have eaten up my spare time, and work (as is the case for everyone!) sadly sucks up any painting time during the day!
However, here is the latest Gal Vorbak!
Hoping to get him done this weekend, but I’m not rushing anything, trying to take my time on them! It’s not like I have time to actually game anyway!
Third Gal Vorbak miniature finished!
Pretty happy with this guy, tried to mute the silver a little and I think it turned out okay!