Nearly done!
I doubt I will finish this guy today. I was hoping to, but got quite got enough time.
Nearly done!
I doubt I will finish this guy today. I was hoping to, but got quite got enough time.
Little more work done to him. I am hoping to have this chap finished today!
Little more done to this guy, specifically the dirtying up of the armour!
I plan on doing some free hand on his cloak thing, so will return to it later on.
First Death Guard Work in Progress pics.
Nothing amazing so far. Just the basics on the model done. Seriously enjoying painting this chap.
Hello guys, I have a new guide about painting Ultramarine power armour. Hope it helps!
Primaris Sergeant done!
I do need to tidy up some of the edge highlights, but I thin he has turned out pretty well for just a rank and file chap!
Well, I tried my best to get him done in a day, but the heat is too much!
Still, he aint looking too bad. Hoping to try and get one guy done a day. And then spend some time on the captain. I think i may have to paint a Death Guard model after this chap though, just to get it out of my system! 😀
Another quick pic of the Primaris I am working on.
It’s sooo hot that painting is damn near impossible. 🙁
Very quick post to show I am working on the new Primaris Marines!
Video coming soon too!
Well, It was a rush job, but I got him done in time for the new boxed set!
Looking forward to spending some quality time on the new Plague Marines! 😀