Painting Blog

Okay, the whole squad is done, and with added snow. I will take a full squad pic tomorrow.

However I wanted to share this with you!


The snow took ages. I mean, ages. It was drying as soon as I mixed it together, so I was having to mix and paste super quick.

Quite happy with how it turned out. Not sure I would use the technique for a whole army mind.

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Painting Blog

Another Wight done!

wight3 wight3.1 wight3.2

I wouldn’t say I am rushing these (they don’t take that long to paint) but the metal work on them isn’t amazing. I just don’t have the urge to fix it because I eventually want to add snow to the base and to the top layers of the model to show they are marching through a blizzard.

I have no idea how I am going to do this, but that’s kinda the point. All one big experiment! 😀

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Painting Blog

I don’t play Age of Sigmar, but I do love GW models enough to paint their fantasy range still.

I’ve realised I have taken pictures of this assuming it was finished when I haven’t completed the sword. When I eventually add the snow effects I will take another pic.

wigght2 wight2b

I love undead, I was planning an elite force with Nagash at the centre but I am not so sure anymore. The truth is I just like painting the models, so I decided to give myself a break from 40k (specifically my Word Bearers) and crack on with this!

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