I took a few pics to see how well the blue flames and the rest of the paint job sit together. Quite happy with it!
All posts by Dan Jackson
Legion of the Damned Sergeant Centurious – WIP 1
Every now and then I come across and old battered model from my youth that I want to try and rescue, and in this case it’s Sergeant Centurious!
Some of the details have been really hammered away on this guy, mostly around the face and the skull he is holding (the Animum Malorium), but I do like trying to rescue an old model, especially a classic like this one.
Thousand Sons Dreadnought in White Dwarf
Pleasantly surprised to see my Thousand Sons Contemptor Dreadnought in this month’s issue of White Dwarf.
Original pic!
It’s always pretty amazing when I am lucky enough to get my minis in this magazine, it will never ever get old to me. I am very lucky.
Kor Phaeron – The Master of the Faith
Kor Phaeron is finished, and here is a pic of his good self and Erebus representing! 😀
(click for bigger image)
I am not entirely sure I am that keen on their bases, or the scenic base. Nothing wrong with it, just not sure it fits my other Word Bearers.
Here is some pics of Kor Phareon on his own. I love how this guy walks into his suit of terminator armour, and the contrast between the heretical red armour and the loyalist grey is pretty damn sweet.
My own real issue with this model is the face. It looks like he has had a stroke. This may actually be intentional. His creaking body has been pumped full of so many drugs and undergone so many surgeries, that his features represent that. But it doesn’t look sinister, it just looks a bit derpy. Other than that, I am pleased with these two. Loads of the detail is difficult to pick out on these models, and I think I managed to get away with it!
Kor Phaeron – WIP 2
Not had much time for painting recently, but I am plodding along as best I can with Kor Phaeron.
I am very glad they changed their colour scheme during the heresy, finding this grey armour a little dull to paint! 😀
Kor Phaeron – WIP 1
Bit of work done on Kor Phaeron. You can probably tell I prefer the Erebus miniature. But He is still a bad ass character! 😀
High Chaplain Erebus
The best character in all of 30k is finished! High Chaplain Erebus!
Erebus – WIP 3
I didn’t really get any painting done on this guy this weekend, stupid stomach, but I got some bits done here and there. Nearly done! Face was crazy to paint!
Erebus WIP -2
Work in Progress of Erebus! I need to fix the flame on his right leg, and I need to tidy up the symbols on the script, but waiting till more of the model is put together to do any final work.
Erebus – Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers
I have had little time to paint recently, but I have done a small about on Erebus!
I don’t like the flame on his right leg, I am going to try and re work that into something more suitable to the best character in 40k (30k?!?)