With the Glottkin finished up, I have moved onto a slightly smaller, yet no less Nurgly project. The Wurmspat Beastgrave warband.
I have decided to start with Sepsimus.
With the Glottkin finished up, I have moved onto a slightly smaller, yet no less Nurgly project. The Wurmspat Beastgrave warband.
I have decided to start with Sepsimus.
The Glottkin is finished.
I have been working on this trio of brothers for a while. I have tried a few things out on him, mainly special effects and different kinds of blending and shading. He’s been on the painting desk for a long time, but the recent self-isolation guidelines have helped speed my progress up on him!
(Click on the pictures for larger images)
I have finished the first of the Glott brothers. Otto. Next up I will be working on his sorcerer brother, Ethrac, next!
Done some more work on the Maggotkin. The weird thing about this project is nothing is set in stone. I keep changing my mind on colour schemes and how I want something to look. Still, thought I would share my work so far.
Harbinger of Decay done! Difficult getting a good angle for this chap!
Either way, I think that’s all the characters for my Maggotkin done apart from the Glottkin. That may take me a while!
Finished a Lord of Blights for my Maggotkin army.
More Blight King goodness!