Category Archives: Thousand Sons

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Lord

I decided to paint up the Heresy Librarian as a Sorcerer Lord for my Thousand Sons. I think I may end up using him as a second Infernal Master (may ven sculpt some lil daemons for his base at some point!), but I did originally intend for him to be a Sorcerer Lord.

Cracking model. Fun to do little kit bash on him.

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Only 5 years after his release, and most of those years sat on my desk unpainted, I have finally painted up Ahriman!

Belting model this, but suffers from what a lot of recent GW models suffer from, very fragile details that seem to want to bend/break/snap off at the smallest provocation.

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I have completed the first 10 Tzaangors for my Thousand Sons/Disciples of Tzeentch armies!

Yet another bunch of models that have been sat base coated now complete!

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Scarab Occult Terminators

I have painted up a second squad of Scarab Occult Terminators for my Thousand Sons army.

As with most projects these days, I built these models before painting them, and if I am honest, this was a mistake. They are such highly detailed models, especially when it comes to painting the helms, that they have suffered a bit. I am not saying they look awful, just not happy with them in bits.

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Thousand Sons Infernal Master

I was lucky enough to get my hands on the new Thousand Sons Infernal Master model.

This is a really cool model, although the swirly daemon summoning magic stuff looks like it could break at any time. Doesn’t fill me with confidence taking it to places for games.

However, the none twisted backpack, and the whole concept is very cool. Nice little nods here and there to the heresy.

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Pink Horrors

These guys were pretty “horrifying” to photograph! 😀

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I don’t have as much time for painting these days as I used to, so I decided to get these done to what I consider my table top standard.  I plan on using them for both my Thousand Sons, and my Disciples of Tzeentch army, whenever I get round to that.

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Classic Ahriman repainted

I don’t tend to return to old models, but in Ahriman’s case, I made an exception.

This old metal model is one of the first I ever collected for Chaos, and he was the reason I made a strong connection with the Thousand Sons.  I have tried to keep as much of my older paint job on him I could, whilst making sure he fit the paint scheme for my current force.

It’s nothing special, but the model holds a special place in my collection.

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Thousand Sons Squad

I have recently finished off the last 5 miniatures for my Thousand Sons Squad with Bolters!

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Mutalith Vortex Beast

I have just finished painting a Mutalith Vortex Beast for my Thousand Sons.


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As with most of my gaming pieces these days,  I decided to build this model fully before painting. However, I realised how much of a mistake it was when it came to the portal, and the tentacles, so had to pry them off. Tricky model to paint this, but happy with the results given it is a gaming piece.

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Thousand Sons Psychic Dreadnought (Daemon Prince)

I have completed my third and Final Daemon Prince for my Thousand Sons. I wanted to have models that kept the style of the Thousand Sons, whilst also looking suitable for their role on the table top.

The theme of the three princes was to have one with very little corruption, almost a rubric prince. The second (this one) to show a little corruption, and the final one to be mega corrupted.

Anyway, here he is.

Here is the three of them in “order”:

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