Second Damned Legionnaire

I haven’t painted a model now since I think the middle of November. Christmas, work and general ill health have kept me away from the painting table.

So I am quickly just catching up on a few projects I started last year, the first of which is the Legion of the Damned squad. And here is the third model in a squad of five.

He’s a little scruffy but I am a little out of practice and I also filmed myself painting him for a bone tutorial. And filming whilst painting is tricky!

Sergeant Centurius – WIP3

So he is pretty much done. I was debating about how best to replace his backpack. I know banners allow for some cool artwork, but I tend to leave them out, as they just strike me as being very impractical.

I tried to make his face look a little more leathery and sunken. I spent a bit of time goggling corpses, which was a jolly experience and I am sure someone in law enforcement is having a field day with my google history. 😀

Kor Phaeron – The Master of the Faith

Kor Phaeron is finished, and here is a pic of his good self and Erebus representing! 😀

(click for bigger image)

I am not entirely sure I am that keen on their bases, or the scenic base. Nothing wrong with it, just not sure it fits my other Word Bearers.

Here is some pics of Kor Phareon on his own. I love how this guy walks into his suit of terminator armour, and the contrast between the heretical red armour and the loyalist grey is pretty damn sweet.

My own real issue with this model is the face. It looks like he has had a stroke. This may actually be intentional. His creaking body has been pumped full of so many drugs and undergone so many surgeries, that his features represent that. But it doesn’t look sinister, it just looks a bit derpy. Other than that, I am pleased with these two. Loads of the detail is difficult to pick out on these models, and I think I managed to get away with it!